I am a professional vocalist and pianist. I play fingerstyle guitar, possess a fundamental understanding and practical level of electric guitar and drums and I can compose orchestral arrangements. I completed my BA Honours music degree in Songwriting at Brighton Institute of Modern Music (BIMM) in 2017. For the past five years, I have had the honour of performing as the lead singer and pianist for the band Breakthrough and have been the Head of Music at the new secondary school Whitelands Academy in Oxfordshire. Before heading off to university, I worked as a teaching assistant at Southwold Primary School for two years working with children from reception all the way up to year 6.
For the last three years I have been offering private tuition one day a week, and after receiving such demand from keen aspirational musicians, as of September 2022 I will be offering tuition four days a week.
Over the years, I have been engaged in wide assortment of ensemble musical opportunities working with a variety of artists which has encouraged me to establish a comprehensive knowledge of contemporary music. An experience I am most grateful for was my most recent opportunity to be the lead vocalist for ´Breakthrough´, one of a selection of managed bands on the current UK´s leading live music agency ´Alive Network´. I filled the role as the lead vocalist of ´Breakthrough´ for 5 years, providing premium level shows to over 300 weddings, private parties and corporate events.
I have been providing private vocal tuition at my home studio in Oxfordshire since 2018, refining my private curriculum, developing my practice and assisting my students in discovering their individual voices.
I was appointed the head of music at ´Whiteland's Academy´ upon it´s opening in 2020, where I single handily established the music department, developed my own visionary curriculum and inspiring many enrolled students to engage in extracurricular opportunities.
As a multi-instrumentalist, music graduate and a keen music enthusiast continuing my studies, I am proud of my ability to not only comprehend in-depth music theory, but to successfully convey to my students it’s relevance to our practice.
As an aspiring composer for motion picture, my studies have lead me down a path rich in music theory, providing me with the knowledge to answer any questions and queries you have on your journey.